They prefer familiarity and disdain conflict are usually not very impulsive and are often excellent listeners and deep thinkers Introverts tend not to delegate and instead take on tasks by themselves mostly because they do not want to ask for assistance or manage another person Introverts tend to seek solitude whereas the extrovert thrives on interacting with others in a group Solitary confinement is torture to an extrovert To an introvert it is a party of one Succeeding in Sales Part
But what about other key skills that outstanding sales pros must have Skills like Participation as a team player Subject matter expertise Following up on questions and issues India Phone Number Identifying and solving problems Strong careful observational proficiencies reading peoples emotionsintroverts often notice things that extroverts dont Researching potential solutions Challenging the prospect or pushing for more information Handling transition and implementation issues Many introverts excel at these valuable skills with large groups and to initiate conversations with people they dont already know
Some introverts when placed in a position that requires extroverted qualities such as public speaking or social action are more adaptable to those tasks and can thrive whereas others are not Looking at Sales from Both Sides Now Lets contrast the pitches that introverts and extroverts would use to sell the same product to the same people An introvert after spending a lot of time researching reflecting and thinking about how to approach the prospect would craft a pitch based on thoughtful logic their analysis and their impressions of the audience The pitch would emphasize the advantages of buying the product but in a very nuanced softsell manner.